Hisense Side By Side Fridge 668L RC-87WS4SA

KSh 149999.00

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  1. Features Total No Frost
  2. Multy Air Flow System
  3. Smart Control Eletronic avec thermostat
  4. Four star Freezer Design
  5. Broad Climate Design
  6. Environment-friendly Technology
  7. Low Noise
  8. Reversible
  9. Adjustable Legs

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Hisense Side By Side Fridge 668L RC-87WS4SA Price in Kenya

The Hisense Side By Side Fridge 668L RC-87WS4SA Price in Kenya is 129999 Shillings.It has a generous capacity 668L, this fridge provides ample room for groceries, beverages, and more, making it an excellent choice for larger families or those who love to entertain.Additionally,The side by side design ensures easy access to both fresh and frozen items, allowing for organized storage and quick retrieval.It is equipped with a built-in water dispenser, you can enjoy fresh, chilled water at any time without opening the fridge, making hydration more convenient.The fridge features No Frost technology, eliminating the need for manual defrosting and ensuring even cooling throughout all compartments.Buy Hisense Side By Side Fridge 668L RC-87WS4SA online at best price in Kenya.

Hisense Side By Side Fridge 668L RC-87WS4SA Specs & Price

Price in Kenya Ksh.129999.00
Brand Hisense
Capacity 668L
Built in despenser Yes
Technology No Frost
Adjustable Legs Yes
Number of stars Four star Freezer Design
Door Design Side by Side
Design Sleek Stainless Steel Finish

No Frost Technology

Prevents ice build-up and eliminates manual defrosting.

multi-air flow system

The multi-air flow system guarantees that all areas of the fridge maintain a consistent temperature, keeping your food fresh for longer.

Energy-efficient compressor

An energy-efficient compressor helps to reduce electricity consumption, making this fridge both powerful and economical.

Capacious & Transparent

Spacious and transparent vegetable box allows you to view in detail the products stored in this department.

Adjustable Thermostat

A convenient and understandable adjustable thermostat allows you to easily adjust the temperature inside your refrigerator.

Additional Integrated Handle

An additional integrated handle is the added benefit of the options for opening your Hisense refrigerator.



The side by side design makes it simple to reach both your refrigerator and freezer sections, ensuring a streamlined kitchen experience.Transparent box under the freezer compartment will help to preserve products that do not require freezing for longer.

See Hisense REF628DR 628L Infinite Side By Side Refrigerator

Buy the Latest Hisense Refrigerators on our website.


  1. Features Total No Frost
  2. Multy Air Flow System
  3. Smart Control Eletronic avec thermostat
  4. Four star Freezer Design
  5. Broad Climate Design
  6. Environment-friendly Technology
  7. Low Noise
  8. Reversible
  9. Adjustable Legs


  1. Features Total No Frost
  2. Multy Air Flow System
  3. Smart Control Eletronic avec thermostat
  4. Four star Freezer Design
  5. Broad Climate Design
  6. Environment-friendly Technology
  7. Low Noise
  8. Reversible
  9. Adjustable Legs


  1. Hisense Side By Side Fridge 668L RC-87WS4SA
  2. Manual User